Russian University of Transport

Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT) is the leading national transport university, research and educational center focused on various modes of transport and intermodal transportation.

Founded in 1896, RUT (MIIT) played a key role in developing Russian railway system. Here at Russian’s premier transport university, RUT (MIIT) is applying research to society’s grand challenges, enhancing economic development and promoting a rich quality of life. The University’s academic complex boasts modern educational and scientific, unique training centers (including autonomous multimodal training center) and the super computer.

RUT (MIIT) is one among 13 Universities of Russia that has the right to develop and approve own standards for all levels of higher education.

The University is one of the leaders in the implementation of the state doctrine in the field of training of national work force; it realizes multifaceted scientific and technical cooperation with 172 universities, organizations and partner companies from 53 countries of the world. RUT (MIIT) provides researchers with the infrastructure necessary to achieve far-reaching impacts. These institutions foster interdisciplinary collaboration among engineers, government, and industry, opening opportunities for research to influence public policy and contribute to economic development in Russia and beyond.

Russian University of Transport is justly famous for its heritage of scholarship, historic role and magnificent architecture. This heritage supports one of the Russian's most important centers for teaching and research. During 120 years of its existence over 650 000 highly skilled specialists graduated from the University. They are successfully working in transport and other industries in Russia and 101 other countries. Currently, over 1500 foreign students are studying at the university, representing 33 countries. Our collegiate structure gives a strong sense of community, and the University is determined to remain at the forefront of international scholarship and research.